Beauty by the Food and Ritual

Woman's beauty is not on the fineness of the face. But the beauty of pure, shone on his soul, who with loving attention and love she gave. And beauty that will grow over time. Woman's beauty is in the attitude of tenderness, which emanated from the heart sincerity in caring for and maintaining a family. Woman's beauty lies not in the clothes, not on body shape, or the way she combs her hair. There is beauty in the eye, the way he sees the world. Because in his eyes lies the gate to every human heart, where love can flourish. 

Wise words of beauty has always existed and created all over the world, all of it created by how we perceive beauty itself. Of the many views on beauty here collected mutually agree to obtain information about beauty. 

Food for Beauty 

It turned out to not only look beautiful with a beauty treatment on a regular basis or use make-up products continuously, but by eating healthy foods we too can look beautiful. 

Avocado useful relieve skin irritation, redness and inflammation of acne, in addition to avocado also contains vitamin B, vitamin E, and minerals. 

Green tea 
Contain polyfenol green tea that act as antioxidants, green tea consumption may also help cure minor ailments like colds by a heavy sort of cancer, green tea is also believed to slow the aging process. 

Nutrients contained in salmon both for the beauty of skin rejuvenation because it can spur the production of collagen, keratin, and melanin in the body. The content omega3nya serves to prevent and reduce wrinkles on the face, eating salmon can also prevent the emergence of premature aging caused by dry skin on the face. 

Low-fat yogurt 
Low-fat yogurt is useful to maintain skin elasticity, but it can help streamline the waist circumference of obese because of a low fat content and contain vitamin A stout, yogurt can also overcome the problem of the thyroid gland or diabetes. 

Beautiful Japanese women style  

Diet and lifestyle perfectionis and high discipline affects the slender bodies of Japanese women. There are several things that cause effect trim and a long life in Japan include: 

Eating and drinking habits 
The habit of eating fish, especially salmon is to eat and enjoy doing the most in number 1 in Japan. Eating vegetables, rice consumed in moderation, soy beans, noodles, taste will vary depending on the texture of each there is ramen, soba, Somen, and udon. Drinking tea, especially green tea is highly valued in Japan because it can protect the health and longevity and fruit. 

Consume fruits 
Japanese people consume fruits in the form of unprocessed fresh fruit they eat as snacks and not too much, apart from that they also do not get used to eating sugary foods like donuts, cakes, biscuits and desserts are baked or grilled in less food in packaging. 

The ritual of sleeping beauty 

Beautiful bedtime ritual during a break in the evening we experience hormonal changes that can improve blood circulation to the skin within 8 hours, then our skin will ternutrisi well. Poor quality sleep will affect the stress hormone cortisol control, if not enough sleep or staying up late at night hormone cortisol will slow the production of collagen for 8 hours straight, the face will look wrinkled and dry skin cells while lack of collagen. So sleep well and in sufficient time for skin cells to keep working to optimize our performance, and to complement the lovely bedtime ritual we do some maintenance during the night. 

Clean your face regularly at bedtime 
By cleaning the face, the skin will get 2 very important things are: raising the remaining make-up, dirt, and dust all day long, the face is clean and you use a night cream that will work more optimally. Using anti-aging cream which is equipped superior materials. 

Vitamin A 
Select which contain retinol which is vitamin A which is the skin converted into materials that keep the skin cells regenerate, in use at night because in the daytime sun exposure will reduce the effects of retinoids work.

Vitamin K 
Using the under eye cream containing vitamin K and retinol night eraser selama12 week successfully reduce dark circles eye up to 33% in lakkukan by a study in 2003, use an eye cream at night because of the nature of vitamin K, which is also sensitive to sunlight .
using a moisturizer 

Choose a moisturizer that contains superhydrators hyaluronicacid or glycerin which can bind water much longer because at night the skin cells tend to have warmer temperatures and lack of fluids, consider what happens to the skin in the morning it will feel more supple face is a success in the rescue process from dry skin and wrinkles. 

Sleeping position 
 Sleeping with the supine position, because the prone sleeping position or sideways every day to form wrinkles on the face and eyes could even make a permanent line on the skin but if you already hobby with a habit of sleeping on his side or stomach then to encase pillows with satin smooth texture can save us from the risk of wrinkles on the face. The position of the head should be higher than the heart, when you wake up does not occur so that buildup of fluid around the face that causes the eyes look puffy. Avoid foods that contain caffeine such as coffee and cocoa 3-5 hours before bedtime also reduce the consumption of alcohol d all night because this will help to better sleep quality and sleep, and do not turn on television when going to sleep because the light can make eyes feel the need to continue safeguarded. 

There are many more articles about beauty, continue your reading on the title of my next article.