Location of Beauty A Woman

Woman's beauty lies not in the clothes, not on body shape, or the way she combs her hair. There is beauty in the eye, the way he sees the world. Because in his eyes lies the gate to every human heart, where love can flourish. Woman's beauty is not on the fineness of the face. But the beauty of pure, shone on his soul, who with loving attention and love she gave. And beauty that will grow over time. Woman's beauty is in the attitude of tenderness, which emanated from the heart sincerity in caring for and maintaining a family "is a woman beautiful woman who can keep his self-esteem"
  • To form a charming lips, say the words of kindness.
  • To get beautiful eyes, look for the good in everyone you meet.
  • To get a slim body shape, share food with the hungry.
  • To get beautiful hair, ask a small child with her fingers to comb it every day.
  • To get a beautiful posture, walk with all science, and you'll never walk alone.

Humans, far above all other creatures. It must always be changed, updated, reshaped, and forgiven. So, do not ever reduce a person from your heart. If you've done it all, remember always. If an when you need help, there will always outstretched hand. And with age, you will be more grateful have been given two hands, one for helping yourself and one for helping others. Beauty can not Amuse you, but brain work reading, writing, thinking can. Beauty will not make you happy, but the intelligence in a way a lot of reading, writing, and thinking can make you happy. Helen Gurley Brown. That is, the woman's beauty is not just in terms of physical looks. Beauty also includes insights into science. Reading, train yourself to analyze things and think very effectively increasing cleverness. 

On September 26, 2005 I had the opportunity to be a judge in a beauty pageant event called Miss Chinese Cosmo Pageant 2005. Similar event is already three times held in Beijing, China. Of the many potential participants, only 15 women who escaped and was quarantined for one week before the event to follow the beauty pageant. As a trainer as well as the jury, I do not just give more points to those based on terms of mere physical beauty. Expertise of each participant, including ability in answering questions spontaneously, very influential on the judges ratings. I guess, participants who are used to read, write, and think very likely to win the contest. 

But standards of beauty in the contest was certainly much different from the standard of beauty to our daily lives. Because beauty is basically a concept with multiple definitions. I myself have specific criteria in assessing a woman's beauty, and maybe it will be different from other people's opinions. In my eyes, every woman is beautiful, and each woman has unique characteristics not shared by other women. Every woman has a beauty that comes from the heart and soul and is permanent. Such beauty is often referred to as inner beauty or nobility of character. 

The whole world recognizes beauty Teresa of Calcutta India. Although the physical aspect, the woman is old, wrinkled, and far from woman standard. But every act of his horns decorated with a very noble character, and radiant genuine affection of the heart. It makes the figure of Teresa has a captivating beauty. Although it has long passed away, but her beauty was never cracked by time. 

I purposely take the example Therese of Calcutta India, because I want to explain that her beauty was far from the appearance or figure. Beauty someone is a blend of so many wonderful characteristics, such as attitudes, ethics, good manners, independence, intelligence, dexterity, humor, sociability, sensitivity and compassion, religious, generosity and so forth. Leonardo da Vinci said, Beauty adorns virtue. Beauty worshiping kindness. This means that whoever has a remarkable beauty, if willing to beautify the heart or soul. However, if still there are women who feel ugly, maybe he should consider some important points below.The first is to reduce the anger or the desire to hurt others, because it would reduce the aura of beauty. Moreover, in medical science says that anger causes damage to nerve cells to 50,000 cells. It takes a long time or at least 128 days to restore the cells as usual. 

Not surprisingly, however beautiful and physically attractive a woman, then he will look very ugly and annoying when he controlled anger or desire to hurt others. So Establish attitude and positive thinking. Aura of your beauty shines brighter and the more you look much younger and fresher when you always think positive. 

The second is to love themselves unconditionally, regardless of your self. If you are not able to love yourself, then you also will not be able to love and care for others. Logically you can not give something you do not have. With the first love yourself, then you're just going to radiate love and compassion to the creatures around you. Love and sincere affection of the heart to make all aspects within you look special. Love and affection you will radiate an aura of extraordinary beauty.  

In addition to love ourselves as we are, you can also cultivate love and compassion for others by doing visualization. The trick is to spend some time to imagine yourself sharing love and do good to others. Do a visualization like that wherever you are, because it can increase the energy of love and affection from within yourself. Until you realize, once your attitude will also be compassionate. You also will radiate an aura of beauty by itself. The more you send out love unconditionally, the higher the aura of beauty that you have. One thing important to note that the beauty that radiates from the heart of peace. Aura of beauty can not arise from within the soul that is empty and hollow. A peaceful heart also can not be replaced by wealth, body and facial beauty, fame, position and so forth. 

Grateful and worship God Almighty is the activity a more promising peace of mind. Spend more time to give thanks and worship to God. Aura of beauty will shine brighter than anyone who has a spiritual peace, where he found new hope, optimism and happiness essential. Basically, the appearance is important that a woman looks neat, beautiful and attractive. But these characteristics are far more important, because the beauty that comes from purity of heart and soul more easily become the center of the admiration of many people. My message is, keep your self and inner beauty or nobility of character no matter how beautiful you are.