Beautiful Makeup with Eyeliner and Mascara

Mascara and eyeliner are a set of tools that ordinary makeup used to beautify the eyes. But the error in its use will make us look bad makeup. Therefore consider how to use it. Use eyeliner before we use mascara. 

We can use a liquid eyeliner that is waterproof to form the upper eye line, and eyeliner pencil for the eye-shaped bottom. Then after that mascara brush to brush the eyelashes in a zigzag, so the mascara does not appear to agglomerate in the eyelashes. Use it again to add the effect of the thickness of eyelashes. Then the eyes look more beautiful as well as our faces. 

How to Wear Eyeliner 

Eyeliner serves to strengthen the effect of beauty you. chose eye color that blends with the color eyeliner eyeshadow you. Make sure you sit relaxed with your elbows at the table will sustain wear eyeliner. 

Pull the line on the eyelid line from the eye to the tip of the outer eye. As I pull the tip of your eyelids so that the skin in the area to be in the given line taut so it is easy to apply eyeliner.
To the top of the eye should you use a waterproof liquid eyeliner so that younger and did not dry quickly faded. Use once again from the center of the eye and at the end of the line for sticking to impress your eyes sharp. 

Use eyeliner pencil by pulling from the eyelid edge under. For large eyes fairly apply eyeliner starting from the center of the eyelid and your eye when small application eyeliner from the tip of the eye. 

To use eyeliner pencil, open your mouth while wearing them so weak eye muscles, and wipe the tip of a pencil eyeliner with a cotton swab that is more tender parts. 

How to Use Mascara 

Wear white mascara from the base, then applied to the movement from the direction of the exit. When finished, continue with the color black with a movement from below upwards. 

Apply mascara in a zig zag way to accent thicker lashes. Continue go to top lashes
As a final touch, do the activities above using black mascara from both the outside and nature.

Tips Eyes More Feathers tapering 

Eyelashes can make our eyes become more beautiful. Not just curl eyelashes with eyelash clamping forceps and mascara. Here are tips to curl eyelashes: Clean up old remains of mascara on the brush patch use mascara with a dry towel. 

Hold the brush in an upright position on the position of mascara. Then start applying mascara from where the eyelashes grow until the end, roll the brush slowly slowly. Hold the tip of the brush and the eyelashes by using your fingers for a few seconds this will create a curved tip of the lashes. 

Immediately give the second layer of mascara, before the first coat to dry up and clumping. Comb your lashes with a special comb before the mascara dries, it is to separate the lashes together. 

Make use of Liquid Eyeliner Tips 

Not easy to use make-up on this one. Use eyeliner will add to the charm of our beautiful eyes. But its usage errors will make us look bad. Especially the use of liquid ayeliner, very difficult for beginners. The following are some tips: 

For easy to use liquid eyeliner, we make first line of the eye that will give eyeliner pencil in the eye. The pointed tip of the brush will facilitate the use of liquid eyeliner, for that we first form the tip of the brush by cutting taper and rather short. Before the bold use of striking color, brown color could be an option for beginners. 

Using Beauty Tips Eye Shadow 

Before sweeping brush on eyelids, first dip the brush into a little water so that the color of eye shadow appear more prominent. 

Consistent in choosing the color group. Adjust the color with the color of eye shadow and lipstick or blusher blush. There are two types of color group. The first warm colors such as Green and Yellow, the color can be in the mix with peach lipstick, orange or brown color. The second cool colors like pink or blue, can choose the color of lipstick and blush on the color pink.