Various Beauty Tips

Beauty is the right of every woman, not because of necessity and compulsion. For now, beauty is relative importance of each individual, because the sense of the beautiful itself is very broad. Much can be done so that women look beautiful, ranging from simple to facial surgery. Actually everything was okay as long as it does not hurt yourself and do not cause excessive side effects, because of how fast the results are likely not last long or even damaging. Having a beautiful face and flawless skin is the desire of every woman in the world.  

Here are tips for makeup to look beautiful and last a little longer.
  1. Before grooming wash my face first .. and than compressed ice water briefly.
  2. Use base foundation, but if there is powder already have use foundation again
  3. Lips are also given the foundation, yes, so that the lips so that lipstick last longer.
  4. Trim brown eyebrow pencil to use .. so naturally impressed.
  5. Asleep eye shadow, for mending neater use finger ... for safe color for day and night is brown but not too dark and the color of ivory under brow.
  6. Use frame eye eyeliner, to impress young use brown color.
  7. Pinch eyelashes, he wore false eyelashes also be the origin of its model accordingly.
  8. Wear waterproof mascara reply yes.
  9. Blush On the orange color is more suitable I think is daytime event
  10. Matte lipstick
  11. To the skin avoid dark green eyeshadow, blue, purple ... safe chocolate bronze and all.

Tips beautiful all day 

Want to look beautiful all day long? 

All can be started from habit we had breakfast every day. Starting from sleep, get used to sleep 7-8 hours every day. When you wake up do little exercise like stretching for circulation. Then continue with the meditation, communication with the owner of our souls is to get through the day with a positive. 

Then proceed with body care such as bathing and shampooing. Dry the hair, if you use a hairdryer do not get too hot because it will damage the hair. Caring for our members is a form of thanksgiving for all God's grace given to us. Clean your face, wear deodorant and drink your multivitamin with a glass of water and most importantly smile when we meet with people we meet. A smile will make you look pretty all-hari.Kata positive words come out of our mouths is a form of thanksgiving and will help us through the day with enthusiasm. 

Tips beautiful the natural way 

For women, certainly many have problem in face beauty and variety of other problems who make us cranky. Natural face mask is one powerful tool to get rid of facial beauty problems, what are the properties of natural facial masks, are as follows:
  • Can make the face look more toned, soft and fresh.
  • Face masks can naturally soften, lift the pores are clogged by dirt or dust and the rest - the rest of the cosmetics on the face.
  • Because it is made from natural materials, the possibility of irritation or side effects can be minimized.
Face masks can be made from fruits such as masks strawberries, grapes, bananas, lemons, avocados and tomatoes.

The excess fruit masks are:
  • Basic materials easily found and easily made.
  • Can be made according to our needs based on the content contained on the fruit.
  • How to make a natural mask is very easy that is as follows:
  • The fruit was destroyed by blended or on mashed.
  • Add the yogurt if the result is too thick.
  • Add the fruit again if the result was too watery.
  • How to use by applying to the face, avoiding eye area.
  • Use a mask once a week
  • Make this mask, only for women who like to blend their own and have time to spare.
From a few tips that have been submitted on the above article, is actually still not entirely about beauty. There are many more articles of beauty and fashion, because the two things are closely related.