Female Beauty

Beauty is part of the beauty of not only the beauty of the outside / physical. But also from within / Inner beauty in terms of heart, mind, and mind. No one if something pretty much draw the attention of every person especially women who always want to look beautiful and men found that most of the sometimes pick and choose in finding a life partner rather perfection (beautiful, good, rich). Actually a lot of things associated with female beauty, but this time it will be discussed about her beauty secrets and tips rather stay beautiful. 

Beautiful women desires 

Every woman must always crave beauty and will strive to reach even those willing to sacrifice to do everything to turn himself in imitation of the real beauty is only apparent and can be gone in an instant. In accordance nature every woman wants to look beautiful anywhere, anytime and in any event. This is the nature of women who can not deny good adolescents, adults or old age. But it needs to know that beauty does not come by itself because the beauty that already owned will be reduced if not in the preserve. 

Beauty inside and out 

Physical beauty alone has not been perfect if not balanced with beauty from within (Inner  beauty). At first glance a simple-looking woman who could become a very attractive woman when the polish with a beauty from within, instead of a woman who is so physically beautiful can be very unattractive if not matched by the beauty from within (Inner beauty). Often we encounter in this life of a woman who is not so beautiful in appearance but has a beautiful character and personality that will have a more memorable sweet when compared with women who are beautiful in appearance but not good character and personality.

The beauty of it there are two kinds of inner beauty and beauty is born. 

Inner beauty  

Inner beauty is the beauty of that in the search for its essence as the beauty of science, mind, and purity, inner beauty is able to decorate the beauty of birth, if not beautiful. People who have inner beauty will looks beautiful, noble and full of charisma depends on how far the properties that are embedded in the spirit. Inner beauty is the greatest blessing that God bestowed on man. 

The beauty of birth (outer beauty) 

The beauty of birth (outer beauty) is a physical beauty that is so real and visible from the outside, the beauty of birth is also a blessing from God. If we're grateful to be cautious and keep the more add to its beauty, but if beauty is in use with two-timing is not human and God, then surely what looks beautiful in the world will change. Because at the time the beauty of birth and then slowly fade away. 

So in the end to realize the true beauty there must be a balance between inner beauty / of the (Inner beauty) and the beauty born / from the outside (outer beauty).
Women always been synonymous with beauty. It would be wonderful if we met a beautiful woman, beautiful, charming, elegant. Anyway unsightly. Do you also want to look like that?


Many ways to look beautiful and charming at every opportunity, the following tips:
  1. Clean yourself every day / when you want to travel outside the home. This is so you look fresh and clean, and to make our body more relaxed. Scented soaps that we use can also make us feel fresh throughout the day.
  2. Try to use the clothing. The purpose is clothing, use a clothing line with where we are headed. Adjustment of these clothes are also a major capital so that we appear attractive at every opportunity. Also try to wear decent clothes and do not cause unwanted conversations.
  3. Try to leave you time for yourself before leaving the house decorated. Dress is also necessary to radiate freshness of face and beauty. No need to dress up too so it will look too excessive, dressed quite simply, a facial moisturizer, powder, lipstick, thin mascara, blush, eye shadow thinner, and spray a little fragrances into your body. This way you are ready out of the house.
  4. Try not to forget to eat fruit - fruit or vegetables - vegetables in the morning. It could also help us to look more fresh.
  5. Water is the source of moisture levels, therefore do not forget to always drink at least 1000ml of water every day. You also can carry water in your bag if you want to travel, so not hard to drink it whenever you feel thirsty. 
  6. Get used to always think positive. This will make you more relaxed and your face will look unbelievably beautiful and did not seem full load.
  7. Always smiling wherever you are and to anyone you meet. This will help you to feel happy all day.

Who would not want to look beautiful and charming in every opportunity and make every one who sees say amazed praise. Definitely want to do? Now, therefore, we should not miss a single opportunity to leave the house without makeup and look beautiful, neat and attractive. It is often forgotten by the women. We recommend that each of us will go out as much as possible we try to dress up a simple though. Look beautiful with makeup, decorated themselves, neatly dressed and freshen up, would make every person we meet will be very willing to throw them a little time to appreciate the beauty they see it.  

Surely beauty must be balanced in her not just rely on one factor but other factors are very big impact. Beauty in touch with the clothes, so in this blog are provided articles about fashion, do not move until you read the article on this blog.