Fashion and Beauty Oriental

Beauty is a broad meaning of each country, each country has the character and characteristics of its own beauty. Likewise with oriental, when heard the word oriental definitely our attention will be focused on the bamboo curtain country China, Japan and knacks. Oriental nuances are reflected from the lunar new year is already very popular. Colorful shades of red, orange, purple as the main attraction. Oriental shades are also reflected in a very distinctive style of dress, kimono ethnic, complete with the obi, a unique hairpin-style dress up cheongsam interesting. Not to mention the makeup techniques that are very unique and exotic, oriental exotica that reflected the makeup of naturalness. Only accentuate the eyes and lip line that characterizes.  

Oriental impression it did not stop there, decorations and even a matter of taste of food, oriental really had a tremendous wealth. All recognize the accent has a share of oriental tradition self in the world. The tradition of the typical food, clothing or appearance, to the layout or decor. Oriental nations (China and Japan) was famous for high value, they are known to have a sense of confidence, desire and strength to realize the dream. They are also known as a nation are very disciplined and willing to learn, that's what makes them reap success. Do not be surprised when dreams and ambitions can not they won, they will be very sorry.  

Be Oriental Look  

Culturation culture is part of the unstoppable, as well as in the fashion world. Certain culture can inspire and color in each piece created. Oriental culture both of China, Korea and Japan also can be an inspiration to create an ethnic outfit.  

Here are 10 steps for an oriental look that you can apply.
  1. Cheongsam, fashion can be adopted into an elegant garment. By making more loose cutting, then added a pair you will certainly look beautiful and charming.
  2. Shanghai, the model standing neck or collar commonly called Shanghai has become one of China's clothing features both women and men, can be applied to all of your clothing.
  3. Buttons, to get the detail typical Chinese, you can use the buttons that consists of two parts, and then linked.
  4. Kimono, kimono accent typical of Sakura you can also apply, such as the blouse that you wear.
  5. Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms are typical motifs can be applied in a vest, and bolero.
  6. Dragon, one of the eminent animal in Chinese culture is the dragon. Images of plants and animals can be applied in a variety of your clothes, either printing, and hand painting.
  7. Deong jong, accented with white collar V characteristic can be adopted in your clothing.
  8. Chima, width and length skirt is part of hanbok, can be integrated circuitry short-cut blouse is simple.
  9. Ribbon, or commonly called otgoreum a ribbon that is part of hanbok, the end of the ribbon dangling until Rook.
  10. Jade, jade details for trinkets use clothing and accessories, because this stone to stone mainstay of the country of China. 

From a typical oriental beauty has some of the country, it also can be applied in your fashion, of course, moved at an amazing special design. Now, if you have a desire to design your own fashion, with oriental look could be an alternative for you. Other articles also still provides a discussion of the fashion world and beauty, for your guidance please visit.