Healthy is Beautiful

Appear healthy, fit, beautiful and attractive is everyone's dream, especially women. Sometimes efforts were made without prejudice to be a factor supporting health. For that someone will keep trying even have to pay for the guaranteed and the achievement of good health and attractive appearance, especially the progress of time requires everyone to be always active work and achievement that are expected to always look healthy and fit. 

Healthy is beautiful, because beauty will shine more perfect if we maintain the health of our bodies. Not only physical health but also health we seek spiritual beauty that makes you more shine. The requirements are made to look beautiful and healthy really is not difficult, just that most people choose the way of instant and fast. And that's how often harm ourselves. To perform daily activities is necessary supported by a healthy body and immune system strong. Among the efforts that still look healthy, fit and attractive is by applying natural lifestyle (back to nature) in everyday life, such as avoiding smoking, alcohol, drug abuse, lack of sleep, avoid stress, keep the pattern eating, and exercise regularly so that the body is not susceptible to disease attack. 

Poor diet as frequently eating late, the consumption of foods containing fat and high cholesterol, lack of drinking water, etc. can lower the body resistance. The application of western-style diet such excessive consumption of fast food (fast food) because it is considered more practical and enjoyable. Currently the types of food are increasingly mushrooming and desirable community, the food is high in saturated fat is not good for heart health and may also cause obesity. Regular exercise in addition to health also has a good effect on the beauty and appearance, because the body look more attractive. 

Beautiful and attractive appearance is closely related to the skin. One of the problems currently associated with premature aging of the skin. In the process of aging, the skin looks to be dry, rough, sagging, there are spots, arising in the neck folds, wrinkles and aging lines on the face. Problems are often experienced skin is dry and rough skin caused by deterioration of the production function of skin oil glands associated with decreased levels of the hormone, while skin wrinkles because the deficit is the amount of collagen fibers in the inner layer of skin. 

Natural materials that contain lots of vitamins C and E is excellent for skin rejuvenation. The function of vitamin C and E are as antioxidants that provides protection from free radicals and fight the effects of oxidation that can cause aging. High source of vitamin C can be obtained from fresh fruits such as lemon, kiwi, guava, mango, papaya, and others. Sources of vitamin E can be obtained from sprouts, nuts, avocados, and others. Vitamin C and E also plays a role in the formation of collagen tissue supporting the skin. Collagen is a skeleton in a layer of skin that can remove proteins and substances for skin rejuvenation. Collagen is very good for maintaining the condition of the skin remains elastic and toned. Source of collagen can also be obtained by consuming foods that contain collagen-like chicken claw. 

Here are examples of some natural ingredients and herbs that can be used for health and beauty care, especially women.  

1. Aloe Vera  
Savor: to smooth the skin, acne, black spots, nourish and strengthen hair, increase endurance, headache, dizziness, and others. Lignin contained in aloevera gel can soak into the skin and resist the loss of body fluids from the surface of the skin, so skin does not dry quickly and retain moisture. 

2. Avocado  
Nutritious avocado moisturize dry skin, sores, and lower cholesterol (origin not use sugar / honey / milk). Content of fat in avocados is very good for facial skin care, especially dry skin. 

3. Kiwi  
efficacy: increases stamina, prevent cancer, skin care, accelerate healing, etc. Kiwi fruit contains vitamin C which is very high so both as antioxidants and increase endurance. 

4. Noni  
benefits: increased stamina, high cholesterol, hypertension, obesity, skin softener, dandruff, prevent cancer, and others. Contain damnachanthal that serves as an anticancer. Contains turpentine which function in cell rejuvenation. 

5. Carrots  
properties: for the eyes, skin inflammation, prevent cancer, increase stamina, lower cholesterol, prevent heavy metal poisoning, and others. Contains beta-carotene are efficacious as an antioxidant, fighting free radicals, and improve the health of the body.   

6. Gotu kola (Centella asiatica Urb.) 
Benefits: improve memory, increase stamina, rash, fever, insomnia, bronchitis, coughing up blood, lung spots, and others contain asiaticoside, Asiatic acid and made cassic acid that is able to accelerate the formation of collagen, which have a role in the healing process the wound. 

7. Leaves of the gods (Gynura pseudo-china)
Indications: menstrual disorders, cysts, improve blood circulation, high cholesterol, hypertension, prevent tumors, and others. 

Examples of health care in traditional / natural: 

a. Increases stamina
30 grams + 30 grams of buffoonery meeting kencur + 10 grams of ginger, boiled with 400 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc, add the honey, then drink. 

b. Skin Care 

1. acne:
Aloevera leaf juice of betel leaves + + bitter leaves, each taste, cooked with enough water to boiling, filtered, after a cold mixed with cold rice powder then used as a mask. Boiling water was also used to clean the skin of the face (as cleansing)
30 grams + 15 grams of buffoonery Intersection bitter, boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc, filtered, water is taken 2 times a day

2. Spot black:
Potato sufficiently cleaned, peeled and mashed, mix a little yeast, stirring, then in mask on the facial skin contained black spots to dry, then rinse with warm water until clean. Do it regularly. 

3. Prevent and attenuate wrinkles on the forehead:
Aloevera inner leaf blended, add egg whites to taste, then rub like wearing a mask on the forehead. 

4. Moisten dry skin
Meat crushed avocado until smooth, add half tablespoon of olive oil, stir, then use as a mask, let stand until dry, then rinse until clean. 

Sleeping position affect beauty 

Turns sleeping habits can affect the beauty and health of your face. If you do not want that to happen you should start to change the habits of your sleep position. Begin to sleep on their backs straight and use a pillow that is not too high. The position is considered the most perfect sleep because the body is in a position to relax. Your body also is curved so that it can interfere with the heart and blood circulation. 

Side sleeping position is actually not bad but you should not continue in that condition. A good lateral position is skewed to the right as seen by the doctors of this position does not suppress the flow in your heart. If you often sleep with the prone position, this is the worst position. Because it can suppress the curvature of the spine that causes the muscles remain tense during sleep. Besides stomach can make your face puffy and red eyes because of chest and cardiac distress. But avoid light sleep is challenging because it will make the face shrivel when you sleep soundly. Do not forget to uninstall jewelry and underwear while sleeping, so that blood can circulate better and makes you sleep more soundly. 

To keep this all the necessary intent and effort is really serious if you crave that healthy beauty is not beauty that made-up and dangerous. Not to influence you to have to make healthy lifestyle patterns that radiate beauty, but is imperative that you can try to get maximum results and experience. If you choose a natural and healthy solution you in this article, there are many more previous article which discusses about the beauty as well as fashion.