Fruit and Vegetables for Beauty

Since ancient times, for skin and beauty care are more likely to use natural ingredients such as herbs and fruits. Besides mild and safe (does not contain chemicals) are also more effective and economical. The ingredients were easy we can from the surrounding environment and may our own though so it is more hygienic. Various modern cosmetic products is not necessarily good for the skin, what more for the skin that are sensitive to chemicals. From the research of experts here are kinds of vegetables and fruits that you can use to maintain and add natural beauty, without makeup. 

Carrots, vitamin A contained in carrots good for the smoothness of skin, hair, eyes etc.. Eat a carrot juice on a regular basis that will provide a huge influence for health and beauty. 

Cucumber, ideal for sensitive skin, whiten skin, remove the circular black under the eyes, removing blemishes due to sunlight. Use cucumber juice for treatment. 

Broccoli / cauliflower, a source rich in calcium and fiber, and vitamin C, also useful as a cancer preventive. 

Lettuce, serves to provide nutrients to the skin and cleanse the face. 

Potatoes, fresh sliced ​​potatoes to remove the visible swelling under both eyes. Potato fruit juice is a most effective cleansers and moisturizers for sensitive skin, can also relieve sunburn marks (spots). 

Tomatoes, for beauty serves to deal with oily skin and dry well, and also serve to protect the skin. and also to minimize skin pores hole. 

Orange juice, for you especially who have oily skin use lime juice to taste and use regularly as a mask to prevent spots spots on the face at once eliminate. Also can eliminate yellow teeth by rubbing them over and over again. 

And many more others, to the efficacy flowers flowers. Also, your beauty ingredients in your kitchen such as salt, can be used for beauty treatments, like-: 

natural conditioner 
Combine avocado bowl that has been blended with a tablespoon of honey and lemon. Mix well and rub on the tip of the hair. Let stand for 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly. 

Masks for dry skin  

To make a dry facial skin becomes more fresh and bright look, mix a bowl of yogurt with no taste to one teaspoon of lemon juice and lemon juice until blended. Then apply on the face (avoid eye area) and let stand about 15 minutes then rinse with cold water. 

Natural Sunscreen 

Combine cucumbers that have been blended with cream moisturizers and toners roses in the freezer and then freeze. If you want to use, remove the first minute of the freezer and apply on f
ace as a moisturizer before applying powder. Anti-oxidants in cucumber able to withstand the adverse effects of sunlight. 

Shrink pores and freshen the face 

Wash and cut the star fruit into thin and stick to the face of a porous and a lot of oil. Let stand for 5 minutes then rinse with cold water. Vitamin C and A of the leather back effective help shrink the pores and soothing facial. Minerals helps reduce fatigue and make skin radiant fresh face. 

Reduces dark spots and moisturize 

Mix 50 cc of white yogurt without feeling with 2 tablespoons of honey and a banana that was destroyed until blended. Apply this mixture as a face mask and neck and let sit for about 10 minutes. Then rinse with cold water. Apply this mask once a week to help eliminate the black spots on the face. 

Here are some tips that can be done to reduce the pesticides found in food: 

  1. Buying and eating local organic food production, especially compared to import
  2. Get used to wash vegetables and fruits with a special soap to remove pesticide or under  running tap water, then rinse with warm boiled water
  3. For non-organic fruits should be peeled before skin
  4. For non-organic vegetables should be discarded outer leaves before processing
  5. For poultry, remove skin and fat before cooking
  6. For red meat, discarding the fat before it is processed
  7. For dairy products, choose low-fat, such as organic milk, organic butter, organic cheese, etc.

In the previous article also explained about the benefits of the fruit for beauty. There are many other articles that you would need to complement your needs for fashion and beauty. Please read the whole article and get the benefit of their knowledge as well.