Collection of Hair Beauty Tips

Also consists of female beauty beauty hair, because hair is a crown of every woman, to get beautiful hair, there are various ways you can spend. Ranging from hair care routine in the salon. Until taking a variety of maintenance products. Beautiful hair you can also get a way to consume food and beverages that contain substances for hair health. Here are the recipes. 

1. Consumption of water at least eight glasses a day is not only nourish your body but your hair also. Because hair can also be dehydrated. Intake of enough water to the hair will make it more beautiful. 
2. Protein will make the hair stronger and not quickly broken. Foods such as meat, fish, eggs, cheese and milk can be a sufficient intake of protein for body and hair. 
3. A variety of minerals such as iron and zinc are also good for hair. Minerals can serve to carry oxygen to the hair. 
4. A variety of vitamins such as vitamins A, B and C are also useful to nourish your scalp. The better nutrition into the body, eat your hair is also more beautiful. 

Besides the above there are three important things you should look to maintain the beauty of hair, among others, health, hygiene and selectively choosing hair cosmetics hair. 

1. Strict diet 

Hair growth is also dependent on the diet that we do. Diets are too tight can cause hair loss caused by iron deficiency causes anemia. Hair can be lost due to dietary iron, but iron can we get from meat, eggs, cereals, grains and nuts. Increase consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables to meet the body's need for vitamin C that functions in iron absorption. 

Tips for hair loss   

Hair is the crown of a woman, it says loss. Hair Loss often makes us appear less confident. Here is a Hair Loss Tips you can try it yourself at home. 

  • Take a leaf hibiscus 10 sheet, boiled with 1 liter of water.
  • Simmer until the 1 glasses starfruit, then cool.
  • Then flush into your head while given a light massage, let stand until dry.
  • Wash hair with regular shampoo you use.
  • Perform routine 2 day once.
  • After a while, you will find Hair Healthy and Shine Hair.

Tips to reduce gray hair with apple 

Black hair into everyone's dream. However, due to the use of hair care products that do not fit, a lot of people at a young age already have gray hair. The following ways can you practice to prevent gray hair at your crown spring. 

  • Take two apples, half coconut that began mildew, and leaf 15 sheet cat whiskers.
  • Grate and mash all three ingredients, then squeeze and take water.
  • Rub the juice into your scalp with a light massage, let stand for approximately 5-10 minute.
  • Rinse with shampoo to clean. Do 3 times a week.
  • Perform routine maintenance of hair on top, then after a while you can again have a shiny black hair.

2. Cutting Hair  

Short hairstyle will make it easier for us to keep the scalp clean. Cutting your hair regularly will not make our hair grow faster. 

Tips to straighten hair naturally 

If you have curly hair, and want to have straight hair naturally. Here is a hair care tips that you can do to make your hair straight. 

  • Take one bunch celery, mashed until crushed, put a little water and then squeezed, take the water.
  • Let stand for 1malam celery juice.
  • The next day water use celery to massage your head, let stand for a while.
  • then rinse with your favorite shampoo to clean.
  • Do it every day for consecutive 10 days.
  • You'll get straight hair naturally, without having to go to the salon.

3. Makes Damaged Hair 

Although our scalp is quite strong and can withstand the harsh treatment, yet he will be damaged as well due to too much use of chemicals, coloring and massage. Resilience hair every person against the use of chemicals on different hair cosmetics. Scalp generally have allergies due to staining resulting inflammation and swelling. To avoid this, try first before use on the surface of the hand. If there is inflammation, do not use on hair. Be careful in using hair dyes made from hydrogen peroxide. If your hair too often exposed to this material, the hair will become brittle, rough and cracked. 

Tips for hair cracked 

Hair cracks often occur because the hair is too dry, or too experienced chemical process (paint, bleaching). If your hair is damaged, dull, easily wrinkled and cracked, you can follow the tips to overcome the following broken hair. 

  • Grate half a coconut, give 1 glasses warm water. Wring it out and grab coconut milk.
  • Flush to the head evenly, while give light massage.
  • Allow an hour, then shampoo as usual.
  • Do this treatment once a month, then you will get healthy hair, black hair, the hair shiny and free from dull hair.