Beauty Your Lips

Every person like beautiful, can actually enhance or treat yourself with ease and become a beautician for himself. First of all, first identify your own needs. This includes knowledge of skin type, neighborhood, and if there may be special needs yourself. Then, identify and avoid things that can make you not look clean, beautiful, and fresh - such as: smoking, drinking, and the like. Frequently seek information up to date about the beauty or personal care. Use products that only use natural ingredients (this can be seen from the list of the content of their products, usually in the back of the packaging products). Do not ever believe in the seduction of beauty in a way that promises instant because it would be dangerous to yourself in the future. If possible, locate and identify the cosmetics company that already has a big and trusted name. And, most important of all is that lasting beauty comes from within yourself.  

Once you've started getting used to look beautiful and natural, beauty lip now begin with. The most important part after the beauty of the face are the lips, your lips are healthy or mediocre but never treated. Take care of everything about the natural beauty and healthy of course, the following will discuss some tips on lips, do not let your lips healthy and beautiful. Be self-respecting person with care what is inside of you. 

Maintained a healthy lips 

What woman does not want to have a healthy mouth and fresh? But unfortunately, the skin of our lips tend to be very sensitive, these conditions can be influenced by the food we eat, the chemicals contained in cosmetics and also by the weather. 

Here are some tips to health lips stay awake:
  • Use lip balm with sunscreen when you are at home or out of the house is not easy to keep skin dry lips
  • Choose a lipstick that has a balanced acidity skin. Avoid lipstick marked with BHA, a preservative lipsticks which are supposed to trigger cancer, did massage once a week on the lips by brushing lips with a soft toothbrush and has dampened air. The function to dispose of broken skin -rupture
  • Drink water at least two liters a day to keep skin moist
  • Consumption of fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C and E are useful to prevent ulcers and to keep lips supple.

Tips to make beautiful lips 

Use a lip pencil line around your lips and follow the existing lip line. Do not exceed, line lips just affirmed it. Use lip gloss with brush and in the middle of your lip gloss to give a silver color so lips look full and sexy. Choose bright colors and prominent. But do not use a dark lip color or Mette because bright colors will make the lips look sexy. Avoid making the lip line outside the lip line that already exists. For, if the lipstick smudged, will look messy. Use a cotton bud to tidy lip line, do not use the hand so as not to further widen. Use the following electric lip line, lip color is shiny and glossy will make it more beautiful. 

Tips beautiful lips  

Beautiful lips are always coveted by every woman. The following are tips on caring for the lips in order to stay beautiful.  
  • When selecting lipstick test it first on hand before using it on the lips. Choose a lipstick that does not cause skin irritation.
  • Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. Because dehydration can make the lips dry and cracked.
  • Wear lipsticks that contain vitamin C, E and A and multiply to consume vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin C.
  • To prevent black lips and dry, avoid smoking and consumption of the alcohol.
  • Routine to scrub or exfoliate lips with a soft brush. 

Sexy lips 


It did not take long to get the full sexy lips, the following trick:
  1. Usually the lower lip is thicker than the upper lip, thus forms the upper lip with lip pencil. Small dent in the middle upper lip, then brush the lipstick color and greed.
  2. Lip shape with lipstick colors blend on the far left and right, so that the lips look more rounded.
  3. Affirm line lips with lip pencil, then fill with the color (not the part that has been given lip color). 

From some of the tips above in fact there are many more tips on beautiful lips, but will be discussed in a later article. Of course, open only to the extent of your knowledge about the beauty of this because there are many ways to make yourself beautiful. But, what ways would you use to beautify yourself? found here, there are a variety of articles of fashion and beauty which is certainly for you.