Because the beauty has always been a companion of life for women, then the gallery of beauty that can be done easily can be found here. Not just an article that discusses in general terms, but may lead to the tips you been looking for. Many ways you can do to get that perfect beauty, but you live chose course, beauty is natural or artificial and natural tidal impressed, find various tips in this gallery.
Gallery sensation spa at home
Delicious sensation of a spa at home with a variety of materials are easily available. Spa treatments are identical with something expensive. Though it can be done at home. On the sidelines of a busy day, insert a moment to take care of the body at home. Use natural materials which can be found around the house, such as various spices, flour, fruits, until mixed vegetables. And each material has different properties.
Black spots on the body caused by exposure to ultraviolet light, can be thinned with a body scrub treatment of finely grated carrot. Mixed with a bit of body lotion and rub on the body before bathing. Let stand for 25 minutes.
Coffee is not only delicious to drink, but have other benefits for the beauty of the body to remove impurities and dead skin cells to give skin a bright color. Prepare 5 tablespoons black coffee powder, 1 teaspoon salt and olive oil, mix until blended after that mask throughout the body. Wait 25 minutes then rinse with warm water.
OrangeFor dry and rough skin overcome in the end of the arm, knee and heel. Orange peel is very effective to restore skin smoothness. The trick then grate the orange peel, mix the coarse sea salt and lemon-scented essential oil. Mix all together and rub the scrub all over any part of the orange body with a light massage given.
Efficacious for smoothing the skin so the skin does not easily dull and wrinkled. You do this by mixing one avocado which has been destroyed with 60-80 grams of rice powder and baby oil to taste. Mix to form such a scrub then smeared throughout the body until dry then rinse off using warm water.
With the beta acid content hidroksit, strawberries able to provide excellent properties such as being able to tighten the skin and young. And fragrance contained on the strawberries were perfect for relaxation therapy. Combine the strawberries have been destroyed with 2 tablespoons of pure honey until blended. Apply on a cleansed face. Let stand 15 minutes then rinse.
Create a spa atmosphere at home as on-site luxury spa with a few easy steps:
1. The essence of spa treatments is relaxed and comfortable, so change your bathroom become more comfortable with the cleaning of items that are not necessary, and then turn on the candles and aromatherapy to support the atmosphere to be more calm and relaxed, and most importantly keep the things that making noise, turn off the phone.2. Music can be an important friend to accompany your spa time. Select the type of soothing music such as jazz, classical instrumental up.3. Use the other support tools at the spa to cleanse your body parts such as body foam, pumice brush (pumice stone) to rub the rough areas on the skin.
Relaxation at home facials
Only by doing it at home, your face will be maintained as do the treatments in beauty salons.What is needed:
1. Facial cleanser2. Facial foam for the face.3. Warm water and wipe dry.4. Masks (according to skin type)5. Facial moisturizer.
1. Clean your face with cleansing milk or milk cleanser with rotating motion to remove impurities on the surface of the face and lift dead skin cells left on the surface of the skin.2. To enhance your facial cleansing, use facial foam or facial soap. If you have dry skin, simply by cleaning the face with a milk cleanser.3. For exfoliation and removal of dead skin cells, use special facial scrub. Rub in a circular motion and give a little massage to relax the face. Focus your appointment and massage on the forehead and the nose, then wash your face with cold water.4. After exfoliation, perform with the evaporation of warm water placed in the basin. Put your face into the bowl then cover the head with a towel. After condensing in the face, wipe with a towel and then compress the face with a warm towel for 2-3 minutes.5. Apply a mask according to skin type. Masks can be purchased in stores or by making your own cosmetics at home with natural ingredients such as avocado, carrot, yam or cucumber. Be careful and avoid the use of masks in the eye area. Let stand for 20 minutes or according to guide use of masks. After that, clean your face thoroughly.6. After 20 minutes, apply a moisturizer that is useful to moisturize the face and protects the face from the dirt. Avoid moisturizers that contain retinol or acid with high levels because it exfoliates the skin excessively.
Types of Masks
1. Yam suitable for owners of dry skin type, because it can provide more moisture to facial skin and can remove the black stains on the face.2. Avocado is rich in amino acids which can prevent premature aging of the skin so it will always seem more fresh. Suitable for owners of dry and normal skin types.3. For owners of face greasy, vitamin A, C and B1 in lemons able to work effectively restore skin moisture up to be normal.4. Strawberries can help tight skin and make the face appear brighter, because the content of beta-hydroxy acids and vitamins B, C and K. Do it for 2 weeks to get good results and is suitable for all skin types.
Gallery relaxation
Spend a little time to move your body so you stay fresh all day.
Ladies, change routines become more positive starting from waking up, How do some simple movements that can be done at home or office.
Sit upright with legs crossed and fingers hook over the head with your palms facing up, head in a relaxed position and eyes closed. Push hands slowly upward while breathing normally. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat this movement three times.
Relax your shoulders
Breathe deeply can reduce fatigue, stress, or shortness of breath that comes on suddenly. This movement can also be done when you are too old to watch television or sitting too long. The trick, straighten your legs, keep both hands on hips, inhale deeply so that the chest expands, exhale through the mouth. Do it for 15 minutes. Stiff shoulders are also usually provoke headaches. Soothe with a shoulder massage using the entire surface of the hand. Move your hands with opposite spins clockwise.
Half Neck Rotation
Sitting cross-legged position with your legs, shoulders, and arms in a relaxed state, continue to tilt the head to the right and then turn your head slowly downward until it rests against the left shoulder. Perform a similar movement in the opposite direction and repeat three times.
In The Workplace
Tired or sore body from too much sitting at work is a common problem in the office. Overcome with relaxation movement that begins by sitting on a chair with no edge to sleeves. After that, lift the right hand, contract your abdominal muscles and turn to the left, then returned to its original position, repeat 10 times. Continue to raise your hands and then replace that position with his right hand as a pedestal holding the back of the chair and repeat as the initial movement. Other article about beauty.