Beauty is a dream for all women, to look beautiful, done in various ways. But, ageless beauty that is very difficult to obtain, except by means of the maximum. Look younger is not enough just polished from the outside. For those of you who entered the age of 35 years and over, there is a cheap and painless to look younger. To meet your needs, will be shown the ways to keep it beautiful with ageless.
1 Not greedy eating
The entry of excessive calories will affect the metabolism of the body that can invite disease which then triggers the aging process.
2 A balanced diet
Start a diet balanced with the amount of carbohydrate calories around 50% -60%, 10% -20% protein, and fat 20% -30%. So in total it takes about 1,500 calories each day.
3 Keeping the weight
For those who have the ideal body weight, away from various diseases.
4 Reduce salt
Salt intake should be at least, no more than 1 teaspoon per day. Eat lots of salt can cause high blood pressure and stroke.
5 Eat five small meals but often
Eat small meals every 4-5 hours may improve the metabolism of hormones in the body and the body can work more effectively so that the organs are not easily damaged.
6 Multiply drinking water
Drink water every day about 8 glasses a day is useful to facilitate the flow of blood that carries oxygen and energy sources to the organs of the body.
7 Drinking soy milk
Drink a glass of soy milk every day because they contain lecithin which serves to encourage healthy skin cell regeneration is always awake.
8 Diligent eat fish
Marine fish rich in omega-3 fat content which lowers levels of triglycerides (fat) so as to prevent the constriction of blood vessels. Consumption of fish three times semingggu.
9 Two glasses of milk a day
Milk is the best source of calcium is beneficial to strengthen the bones so fast not porous and nutritious milk fatty acids to maintain skin moisture and smoothness.
10 Diligent eat vegetables
At the time of cooking, the vegetables will lose about 30% of vitamin C and 5% beta-carotene, whereas the two substances may act as natural antioxidants that can protect body cells from free radicals. If you want to cook the vegetables, cook briefly, green vegetables, try not to be dark.
11 Do not be hostile to avocado
This fruit contains protein, carbohydrates, iron, beta carotene, folic acid vit.B complex and soften all of which are nutritious and rubbery skin, nourish hair, and protects the skin from the sun.
13 Reduce meat
Red meat contains compounds of evil (HCA) and free radicals that could potentially damage cells. Eat meat once a week or in a portion that is not excessive.
14 Many of eating various fruits
Fruit serves to maintain water balance in the body.
15 Consumption of broccoli
Broccoli is nutritious accelerate the healing process and prevent premature aging because many contain beta carotene and vitamin C.
16 Avoid canned foods
Get used to eating fresh foods as nutrients has not been damaged.
17 Inadequate requirement of vitamin C
Vitamin C is essential to counteract the free radicals substances (toxins) in the body.
18 Do not smoke
Not only invite coronary heart disease, smoking is also a poison that make a body skin dry and dull.
19 Regular exercise
Exercise will make circulation & supply of oxygen throughout the body to be smooth so that the skin becomes healthy and fresh.
20 Sleep well
Quality sleep at least 8 hours per day can keep you powered back after a day of activities.
In order to stay young hands
The hand is an area that has the thinnest skin tissue among other body parts. Elasticity care to keep it healthy, smooth and seamless.
At this age the face and body than the other, hand was a moment of glory because the skin is still fresh, moist and chewy. In order for the condition can last longer, do treatments to prevent premature aging.
1. moisturizers
Frequently use moisturizer on your hands at least 3 times a day especially after bathing.
2. sunscreen
To prevent black stains and wrinkles, before doing activities outdoors always use sunscreen (sunscreen) anti-UVA with higher SPF 30. Apply it on the back of his hand to the wrist.
3. Scrubbing / peeling once a week which serves to remove dead skin cells and to facilitate the absorption of moisturizer into the skin layers.
Frequently use moisturizer on your hands at least 3 times a day especially after bathing.
2. sunscreen
To prevent black stains and wrinkles, before doing activities outdoors always use sunscreen (sunscreen) anti-UVA with higher SPF 30. Apply it on the back of his hand to the wrist.
3. Scrubbing / peeling once a week which serves to remove dead skin cells and to facilitate the absorption of moisturizer into the skin layers.
At this age the skin aging process of the hand looks more noticeable. Wrinkles start to look obvious from the start the finger to the wrist. Start doing more intensive treatment to reduce wrinkles and maintain skin elasticity.
1. sunscreen
The reduced activity of skin cells at this age causes the "strength" of the skin to resist damage caused by sunlight is reduced. So always always use a sunscreen with UVA and UVB anti strength to prevent skin cancer.
2. night cream
Improvement of many skin cells occurs at night, therefore always use a night cream before bed because it contains many nutrients that are needed by the skin.
The reduced activity of skin cells at this age causes the "strength" of the skin to resist damage caused by sunlight is reduced. So always always use a sunscreen with UVA and UVB anti strength to prevent skin cancer.
2. night cream
Improvement of many skin cells occurs at night, therefore always use a night cream before bed because it contains many nutrients that are needed by the skin.
age 40s
Wrinkles, dry, dull and uneven brownish stain and dilation of blood vessels (veins in the hands of the more visible) is a skin problem at hand is getting old. This occurs because the body's metabolism and regeneration of skin cells decrease.
1. Extra moisturizing
Using extra moisturizing is needed because the skin is getting dry. Choose a moisturizer that contains anti substances containing liposomes dry skin, collagen and acid hilunorat.
2. anti Wrinkle
To reduce wrinkles always use products containing AHAs (Alpha Hydroxi Acid) and BHA (Beta Hydoxi Acid) which can help smooth the process of rejuvenation of the skin every night before bed.
Using extra moisturizing is needed because the skin is getting dry. Choose a moisturizer that contains anti substances containing liposomes dry skin, collagen and acid hilunorat.
2. anti Wrinkle
To reduce wrinkles always use products containing AHAs (Alpha Hydroxi Acid) and BHA (Beta Hydoxi Acid) which can help smooth the process of rejuvenation of the skin every night before bed.
Face at a young age spots
Keep in mind, there are a lot of people feel their skin really dry skin but not the kind of dry skin (dry skin). People who have oily skin types may appear too dry, dehydrated skin condition called (Dehydrated Skin). At first glance looks similar to dry skin (dry skin), but the real problem is different. Speaking of skin dehydration means the problem is the water content / moisture on the skin is reduced. This, if left unchecked will cause wrinkles / premature aging of the skin.
While speaking means that the problem of dry skin on the oil content. Both of these problems are very influential on the appearance of skin. Many ways can be done to overcome them, such as by use of the cream / serum that according to skin type, as well as the use of sunblock for the face and body, while also with the treatment from the inside is by taking anti-oxidant drugs or medicines that contain Vitamin C .
While speaking means that the problem of dry skin on the oil content. Both of these problems are very influential on the appearance of skin. Many ways can be done to overcome them, such as by use of the cream / serum that according to skin type, as well as the use of sunblock for the face and body, while also with the treatment from the inside is by taking anti-oxidant drugs or medicines that contain Vitamin C .
For the use of oral medication should be careful, whatever its contents should first consult and follow the instructions for using the drug. In addition to taking the drugs taken, there are other ways to cope with dull skin is by injecting vitamin C.
Injectable vitamin C is as anti-oxidants which proved to be very good to help the wound healing process, helping to overcome the problem of blemishes, prevent spots because vitamin C can prevent the formation of melanin from melanocytes by inhibiting the enzyme tyrosinase, brighten skin, moisturizes, smooths the skin, in addition to it also can keep the immune system so as not susceptible to disease. Injectable vitamin C is also good for wrinkle treatment, because vitamin C can increase collagen fibrocyte thus stimulating the formation of collagen and thus reduces wrinkles and fine lines.
Injectable vitamin C is as anti-oxidants which proved to be very good to help the wound healing process, helping to overcome the problem of blemishes, prevent spots because vitamin C can prevent the formation of melanin from melanocytes by inhibiting the enzyme tyrosinase, brighten skin, moisturizes, smooths the skin, in addition to it also can keep the immune system so as not susceptible to disease. Injectable vitamin C is also good for wrinkle treatment, because vitamin C can increase collagen fibrocyte thus stimulating the formation of collagen and thus reduces wrinkles and fine lines.
Vitamin C injections performed by a specialist after finding out the needs of patients and medical history, including the risk of allergies suffered. Therefore should not be done in vain, let alone done by people who are not competent (eg, salon).
In the field of aesthetics, injectable vitamin C is done in certain time intervals such as once a week in order to maximize results and ensure patient in good shape (not being fever, diarrhea, lack of sleep or allergies) and conducted by a specialist. For heartburn sufferers, injecting their own vitamin C can still be made, since its own doctors know the dose should be injected and how and the right time to inject vitamin C itself.
Injectable vitamin C itself can be combined with zinc, antioxidants or other substances that serve to protect the skin from sun exposure, maintain skin elasticity, improve cell metabolism that is useful to slow the aging process so we get the skin clean, healthy and radiant. Your doctor will adjust the content of what is suitable for your skin / body of the patient.
If zinc or other substances deemed not need to be added, then the content of vitamin C alone is sufficient. Do not forget also that natural vitamin C content should still be consumed each day, which is derived from vegetables and fruit color, also be sure to always drink plenty of water of at least 8 glasses a day, avoid sun exposure and smoking. Other article about beauty.
In the field of aesthetics, injectable vitamin C is done in certain time intervals such as once a week in order to maximize results and ensure patient in good shape (not being fever, diarrhea, lack of sleep or allergies) and conducted by a specialist. For heartburn sufferers, injecting their own vitamin C can still be made, since its own doctors know the dose should be injected and how and the right time to inject vitamin C itself.
Injectable vitamin C itself can be combined with zinc, antioxidants or other substances that serve to protect the skin from sun exposure, maintain skin elasticity, improve cell metabolism that is useful to slow the aging process so we get the skin clean, healthy and radiant. Your doctor will adjust the content of what is suitable for your skin / body of the patient.
If zinc or other substances deemed not need to be added, then the content of vitamin C alone is sufficient. Do not forget also that natural vitamin C content should still be consumed each day, which is derived from vegetables and fruit color, also be sure to always drink plenty of water of at least 8 glasses a day, avoid sun exposure and smoking. Other article about beauty.