Location of Beauty A Woman

Woman's beauty lies not in the clothes, not on body shape, or the way she combs her hair. There is beauty in the eye, the way he sees the world. Because in his eyes lies the gate to every human heart, where love can flourish. Woman's beauty is not on the fineness of the face. But the beauty of pure, shone on his soul, who with loving attention and love she gave. And beauty that will grow over time. Woman's beauty is in the attitude of tenderness, which emanated from the heart sincerity in caring for and maintaining a family "is a woman beautiful woman who can keep his self-esteem"
  • To form a charming lips, say the words of kindness.
  • To get beautiful eyes, look for the good in everyone you meet.
  • To get a slim body shape, share food with the hungry.
  • To get beautiful hair, ask a small child with her fingers to comb it every day.
  • To get a beautiful posture, walk with all science, and you'll never walk alone.

Humans, far above all other creatures. It must always be changed, updated, reshaped, and forgiven. So, do not ever reduce a person from your heart. If you've done it all, remember always. If an when you need help, there will always outstretched hand. And with age, you will be more grateful have been given two hands, one for helping yourself and one for helping others. Beauty can not Amuse you, but brain work reading, writing, thinking can. Beauty will not make you happy, but the intelligence in a way a lot of reading, writing, and thinking can make you happy. Helen Gurley Brown. That is, the woman's beauty is not just in terms of physical looks. Beauty also includes insights into science. Reading, train yourself to analyze things and think very effectively increasing cleverness. 

On September 26, 2005 I had the opportunity to be a judge in a beauty pageant event called Miss Chinese Cosmo Pageant 2005. Similar event is already three times held in Beijing, China. Of the many potential participants, only 15 women who escaped and was quarantined for one week before the event to follow the beauty pageant. As a trainer as well as the jury, I do not just give more points to those based on terms of mere physical beauty. Expertise of each participant, including ability in answering questions spontaneously, very influential on the judges ratings. I guess, participants who are used to read, write, and think very likely to win the contest. 

But standards of beauty in the contest was certainly much different from the standard of beauty to our daily lives. Because beauty is basically a concept with multiple definitions. I myself have specific criteria in assessing a woman's beauty, and maybe it will be different from other people's opinions. In my eyes, every woman is beautiful, and each woman has unique characteristics not shared by other women. Every woman has a beauty that comes from the heart and soul and is permanent. Such beauty is often referred to as inner beauty or nobility of character. 

The whole world recognizes beauty Teresa of Calcutta India. Although the physical aspect, the woman is old, wrinkled, and far from woman standard. But every act of his horns decorated with a very noble character, and radiant genuine affection of the heart. It makes the figure of Teresa has a captivating beauty. Although it has long passed away, but her beauty was never cracked by time. 

I purposely take the example Therese of Calcutta India, because I want to explain that her beauty was far from the appearance or figure. Beauty someone is a blend of so many wonderful characteristics, such as attitudes, ethics, good manners, independence, intelligence, dexterity, humor, sociability, sensitivity and compassion, religious, generosity and so forth. Leonardo da Vinci said, Beauty adorns virtue. Beauty worshiping kindness. This means that whoever has a remarkable beauty, if willing to beautify the heart or soul. However, if still there are women who feel ugly, maybe he should consider some important points below.The first is to reduce the anger or the desire to hurt others, because it would reduce the aura of beauty. Moreover, in medical science says that anger causes damage to nerve cells to 50,000 cells. It takes a long time or at least 128 days to restore the cells as usual. 

Not surprisingly, however beautiful and physically attractive a woman, then he will look very ugly and annoying when he controlled anger or desire to hurt others. So Establish attitude and positive thinking. Aura of your beauty shines brighter and the more you look much younger and fresher when you always think positive. 

The second is to love themselves unconditionally, regardless of your self. If you are not able to love yourself, then you also will not be able to love and care for others. Logically you can not give something you do not have. With the first love yourself, then you're just going to radiate love and compassion to the creatures around you. Love and sincere affection of the heart to make all aspects within you look special. Love and affection you will radiate an aura of extraordinary beauty.  

In addition to love ourselves as we are, you can also cultivate love and compassion for others by doing visualization. The trick is to spend some time to imagine yourself sharing love and do good to others. Do a visualization like that wherever you are, because it can increase the energy of love and affection from within yourself. Until you realize, once your attitude will also be compassionate. You also will radiate an aura of beauty by itself. The more you send out love unconditionally, the higher the aura of beauty that you have. One thing important to note that the beauty that radiates from the heart of peace. Aura of beauty can not arise from within the soul that is empty and hollow. A peaceful heart also can not be replaced by wealth, body and facial beauty, fame, position and so forth. 

Grateful and worship God Almighty is the activity a more promising peace of mind. Spend more time to give thanks and worship to God. Aura of beauty will shine brighter than anyone who has a spiritual peace, where he found new hope, optimism and happiness essential. Basically, the appearance is important that a woman looks neat, beautiful and attractive. But these characteristics are far more important, because the beauty that comes from purity of heart and soul more easily become the center of the admiration of many people. My message is, keep your self and inner beauty or nobility of character no matter how beautiful you are.


Skin, Age, and Beauty

Who would not want to look beautiful and charming in every opportunity and make every one who sees say amazed praise. Definitely want to do? Now, therefore, we should not miss a single opportunity to leave the house without makeup and look beautiful, neat and attractive. It is often forgotten by the women. We recommend that each of us will go out as much as possible we try to dress up a simple though. Look beautiful with makeup, decorated themselves, neatly dressed and freshen up, would make every person we meet will be very willing to throw them a little time to appreciate the beauty they see it.
Various means can be taken to get the beauty of a woman they want, the following will be given a relatively easy way to get a natural beauty.

Skin Beauty 

The hand is an area that has the thinnest skin tissue among other body parts. Elastic care to keep it healthy, smooth and seamless.


At this age the face and body than the other, hand was a moment of glory because the skin is still fresh, moist and chewy. In order for the condition can last longer, do treatments to prevent premature aging.
1. moisturizers
Frequently use moisturizer on your hands at least 3 times a day especially after bathing. 

2. sunscreen
To prevent black stains and wrinkles, before doing activities outdoors always use sunscreen (sunscreen) anti-UVA with higher SPF 30. Apply it on the back of his hand to the wrist. 

3. Scrubbing / peeling
once a week which serves to remove dead skin cells and to facilitate the absorption of moisturizer into the skin layers.

At this age the skin aging process of the hand looks more noticeable. Wrinkles start to look obvious from the start the finger to the wrist. Start doing more intensive treatment to reduce wrinkles and maintain skin elasticity.
1. sunscreen
The reduced activity of skin cells at this age causes the "strength" of the skin to resist damage caused by sunlight is reduced. So always always use a sunscreen with UVA and UVB anti strength to prevent skin cancer. 

2. night cream
Improvement of many skin cells occurs at night, therefore always use a night cream before bed because it contains many nutrients that are needed by the skin. 

age 40s 

Wrinkles, dry, dull and uneven brownish stain and dilation of blood vessels (veins in the hands of the more visible) is a skin problem at hand is getting old. This occurs because the body's metabolism and regeneration of skin cells decrease. 

1. Extra moisturizing
Using extra moisturizing is needed because the skin is getting dry. Choose a moisturizer that contains anti substances containing liposomes dry skin, collagen and acid hilunorat. 

2. anti Wrinkle
To reduce wrinkles always use products containing AHAs (Alpha Hydroxi Acid) and BHA (Beta Hydoxi Acid) which can help smooth the process of rejuvenation of the skin every night before bed.

Thanks to Young Back Botoxology 

No need to feel the pain to get smooth skin without wrinkles instantly. With botoxology system, your skin will be rejuvenated.
Today we know, Botox is the process of eliminating wrinkles and tightening face an instant way of injecting an anti-wrinkle serum into the skin layers. But, it is the old way which may be a bit dangerous. With the presence botoxology, your skin becomes taut without danger. Botoxology is a method of the latest anti-aging treatment without the use of injection and non-surgical face lift (face withdrawal process by means of plastic surgery) with a combination of machine technology biolift and strength of the 'magic serum', both can work outside and within the maximum . And how old is transformed into a hideous face tight process fast and secure.

Botoxology process starts on the face of:
1. Clean the eyes and lips of dust and residual makeup with eye makeup remove. 
2. After cleaning it up with the entire face using a milk cleanser. 
3. "Magic serum" that contain natural ingredients such as glycolic acid (citrus extract), xanthan gum (the fluid that serves to tighten the face) and propelene glycol (moisturizer) was applied to all parts of the face. 
4. Continue to use tool that serves botoxology attractive facial skin for 15 minutes and focus on the problems such as wrinkles. 
5. To complete the entire process so that the intended outcome is perfect, given face masks are selected according to the needs of your skin. Such as anti-wrinkle, whitening and tight. 
6. The last process, facial cleansing with a toner, moisturizer after it was given to avoid the face of drought. 

Skin, Age, and Beauty, these goals are very closely linked and mutually supporting each other. Continue to follow the articles that have been provided, you will not lose money.

Casual Clothing for Men

Latest Fashion Men 2011 Model Style Fashion Men Skinny Fat - It is interesting to follow the latest trends. It is not separated from the influence of lifestyle or the lifestyle of each person. The point is to look attractive so more confident and not embarrassing in front of many people. Find out how the fashion world for men who have a body fat or thin. Appearance is quite important in the association. Maintain the appearance of self-respect means. And follow the latest fashion trends are also not the monopoly of women only. Men also need to keep abreast of the latest fashion. The difference may not complicated fashion men like women fashion.  

And one way that a man can look more attractive is by wearing the right clothes. It is also adapted to the conditions of his body. Does including men fat or skinny men.  

Fashion style and fashion style fat man a thin man certainly can not equate. And it seems many men choose once and difficulty determining the appropriate model with their body size.  

1. Fashion Tips Men were thin   

Choose clothing made ​​of thick, was able to guess right on If you have a tall, thin, wearing clothes made ​​from thick, it will be able to make your body looks to be somewhat contained. 

2. Men Fashion Tips overweight or Large  

Select and wear clothes made of lightweight materials, this is the opposite with fashion tips for skinny men. Men who have large body size and fat by wearing garments made of lightweight material will appear to look more slender.  

Just like women, men also like the style. However, they do not really like to experiment, so this type of clothing is not too varied. However, their style is so tempting to be followed so that the emerging trend called Men-Inspired Fashion (fashion inspiration male). Interested in following this trend? Style shirt is a friend of the men. With this item, you can create many variations of style-Inspired Men. Simply add one of the accessories such as scarves (tie replacement), suspenders, vest or jacket, you look so cool. Want to appear without much detail? Simply your shirt buttoned up to the top and put the shirt into the wide-cut pants, and give your skin belt. You also look wow!

Sweater + box 

Some men who like to look casual and neat, are usually happy to combine a shirt with a knit top box; either a long sleeved sweater or vest. This combo can be paired with skinny jeans or pants / skirt. This style looks very cool with a pump shoes and tote bag brown or camel as a finishing touch 

Blazer Blast  

Blazer intersected men are usually longer and straight-cut blazer when compared with women. This blazer can work with a very magical and can give you many variations of style. You can combine a blazer with trousers combined with a satin blouse and high-heels. Roll up trousers to display little nan neat casual. You also can combine them with high-heels and dress oxford newfangled. Make sure you have this jacket in your closet!  

Complementary accessories  

Identify accessories inspired by the men so that they can complement your style. Loafers, oxford (flat or high-heels), moccasin boots lace-up shoes are the options that you can lyrics. While the choice of bags messenger bags, to bags Satchel newfangled box. Large clock is a choice "hand trimmer" that you can choose.  

Color Domination  

The majority of men prefer muted colors like brown, gray, black and white or navy blue. Make sure the colors you choose are not too "bright" so as not to confuse the concept of style-Inspired Men.   

Do not "Men Too" 

Taking inspiration from the man is fine, but make sure the levels are not excessive. You should still give the "woman's touch" in each of your style. Show a little skin or make a difference with a choice of shoes or accessories. If your clothing Men-Inspired completely closed, wear high-heels and women accessories such as pearls as a different of men. Conversely, if you wear Men-Inspired clothes that show off legs, you should wear flat shoes similar to the him. Use your creativity

With a few fashion tips and tricks for man on top, should serve as guidelines and benefits for the readers. Not only men, women can also read this article and can be applied to your spouse or your brother. Did not rule out the style of men wear for women, but not too much man. Of course there are many more articles that fashion and beauty that will be updated every day, continue visit this blog. 

Female Beauty

Beauty is part of the beauty of not only the beauty of the outside / physical. But also from within / Inner beauty in terms of heart, mind, and mind. No one if something pretty much draw the attention of every person especially women who always want to look beautiful and men found that most of the sometimes pick and choose in finding a life partner rather perfection (beautiful, good, rich). Actually a lot of things associated with female beauty, but this time it will be discussed about her beauty secrets and tips rather stay beautiful. 

Beautiful women desires 

Every woman must always crave beauty and will strive to reach even those willing to sacrifice to do everything to turn himself in imitation of the real beauty is only apparent and can be gone in an instant. In accordance nature every woman wants to look beautiful anywhere, anytime and in any event. This is the nature of women who can not deny good adolescents, adults or old age. But it needs to know that beauty does not come by itself because the beauty that already owned will be reduced if not in the preserve. 

Beauty inside and out 

Physical beauty alone has not been perfect if not balanced with beauty from within (Inner  beauty). At first glance a simple-looking woman who could become a very attractive woman when the polish with a beauty from within, instead of a woman who is so physically beautiful can be very unattractive if not matched by the beauty from within (Inner beauty). Often we encounter in this life of a woman who is not so beautiful in appearance but has a beautiful character and personality that will have a more memorable sweet when compared with women who are beautiful in appearance but not good character and personality.

The beauty of it there are two kinds of inner beauty and beauty is born. 

Inner beauty  

Inner beauty is the beauty of that in the search for its essence as the beauty of science, mind, and purity, inner beauty is able to decorate the beauty of birth, if not beautiful. People who have inner beauty will looks beautiful, noble and full of charisma depends on how far the properties that are embedded in the spirit. Inner beauty is the greatest blessing that God bestowed on man. 

The beauty of birth (outer beauty) 

The beauty of birth (outer beauty) is a physical beauty that is so real and visible from the outside, the beauty of birth is also a blessing from God. If we're grateful to be cautious and keep the more add to its beauty, but if beauty is in use with two-timing is not human and God, then surely what looks beautiful in the world will change. Because at the time the beauty of birth and then slowly fade away. 

So in the end to realize the true beauty there must be a balance between inner beauty / of the (Inner beauty) and the beauty born / from the outside (outer beauty).
Women always been synonymous with beauty. It would be wonderful if we met a beautiful woman, beautiful, charming, elegant. Anyway unsightly. Do you also want to look like that?


Many ways to look beautiful and charming at every opportunity, the following tips:
  1. Clean yourself every day / when you want to travel outside the home. This is so you look fresh and clean, and to make our body more relaxed. Scented soaps that we use can also make us feel fresh throughout the day.
  2. Try to use the clothing. The purpose is clothing, use a clothing line with where we are headed. Adjustment of these clothes are also a major capital so that we appear attractive at every opportunity. Also try to wear decent clothes and do not cause unwanted conversations.
  3. Try to leave you time for yourself before leaving the house decorated. Dress is also necessary to radiate freshness of face and beauty. No need to dress up too so it will look too excessive, dressed quite simply, a facial moisturizer, powder, lipstick, thin mascara, blush, eye shadow thinner, and spray a little fragrances into your body. This way you are ready out of the house.
  4. Try not to forget to eat fruit - fruit or vegetables - vegetables in the morning. It could also help us to look more fresh.
  5. Water is the source of moisture levels, therefore do not forget to always drink at least 1000ml of water every day. You also can carry water in your bag if you want to travel, so not hard to drink it whenever you feel thirsty. 
  6. Get used to always think positive. This will make you more relaxed and your face will look unbelievably beautiful and did not seem full load.
  7. Always smiling wherever you are and to anyone you meet. This will help you to feel happy all day.

Who would not want to look beautiful and charming in every opportunity and make every one who sees say amazed praise. Definitely want to do? Now, therefore, we should not miss a single opportunity to leave the house without makeup and look beautiful, neat and attractive. It is often forgotten by the women. We recommend that each of us will go out as much as possible we try to dress up a simple though. Look beautiful with makeup, decorated themselves, neatly dressed and freshen up, would make every person we meet will be very willing to throw them a little time to appreciate the beauty they see it.  

Surely beauty must be balanced in her not just rely on one factor but other factors are very big impact. Beauty in touch with the clothes, so in this blog are provided articles about fashion, do not move until you read the article on this blog.