Beauty Skin Care

Beauty can be located on your skin, how to care for you and get a good life for your beauty. Skin care is very important to do especially during morning and evening. Why is that? Since the enzymes in the body when the body becomes active in our many moves in the morning and afternoon. The skin may experience stress due to weather and environment, which can cause skin aging. While the exact night from midnight to six in the morning, through the skin renewal system is very important. Some things below you can do to keep the skin to keep it beautiful. 

Morning Care: 

  • Do not forget to shower in the morning to freshen the skin, body and mind.
  • Apply a moisturizing cream skin and massage gently for 2-3 minutes for blood circulation.
  • If you frequently move out, you should use a cream containing sunscreen.
  • Use the mask for 10-15 minutes to create more fresh faces.
  • Attach a spoon made ​​from metal that has been cooled in the refrigerator to reduce puffy eyes.
  • Drink water or tea to keep the body's metabolism.
Day Care: 

  • Do not forget to clean the makeup before bed.
  • Use a night cream to help repair the skin, because at night the skin is rapidly absorbing nutrients, and do not forget to massage your face to return blood circulation and remove toxins.
  • Sleep 6-8 hours each night.
  • Currently active in the daytime, reduce foods that contain salt, because salt water binding and can make your face look dull when I wake up.

Normal skin without any problems 

Normal skin has the combined properties of oily and dry skin types. Porous characteristics generally have smaller, smoother surface, and have good elasticity and moisture.Care and makeup even easier. Therefore, you are the lucky ones if you have this skin type, because they can wear any kind of makeup. Want matte makeup for longer durability? or soft, light-natural? The choice is yours! Makeup 

To begin to apply make-up, note the following preliminary steps, kemudain proceed with corrective makeup. 

1. Spray manifold practical facial moisturizer facial spray, wait up to 10 minutes until the moisturizer is really soak into the skin and dries. Humidifiers of this type can be used every time the face feels dry. 
2. For free makeup gloss, choose a foundation (foundation) that do not contain oil (oil free). Perhaps that is a liquid (liquid), pasta (cream) or dense (concentrated) both packaged in tubes, bottles or sticks / bars. 
3. Always use water-based cosmetic products (water-based formula) to keep skin moist.Care 

His name is just a normal, meaning almost no problems. However, do not neglect maintenance. Because, no matter how well skin type "default" is, if not treated properly it is quite possible it will cause problems later on. So, treat it as early as possible in order to keep skin healthy and glowing yours! 

1. Clean your face with cleanser (cleanser) before makeup and before bed. Perhaps the form of milk, foam, gel, or lotion. 
2. Rub freshener (toner) on the entire face and neck. 
3. Apply a moisturizer (moisturizer) at least once a day. Prioritizing the areas that tend to dry or show fine lines. Do a little massage. May proceed by applying a cream eye (eye cream) on the bottom and the top eye. Start from the outside corners of the eyes towards the nose. 
4. Rinse face with warm water at night, (not too hot, because it can cause dry skin). Continue with cold water to stimulate the skin. 
5. Use a night cream (night cream) that is useful for skin cell repair and maintain the balance of oil and water levels in the skin. 
6. Perform regular scrubbing. 
7. Apply a face mask once a week. 
8. Increase consumption of fruits and vegetables that contain water. Get used to also drink water at least 8 glasses (1.5 liters) per day, to keep skin moist. 
9. Take supplements or vitamins C and E in addition to good nutrition for maintaining skin elasticity and health. 

Skin smooth and youthful thanks to the serum 

Using a serum is one way to maintain the beauty of the skin. Already tepatkah way you use it?The term serum in the world of beauty is somewhat different from serum in the fields of biology and medicine. "In cosmetics, the serum is a liquid material which implies most of the amino acids, and its use is applied directly to the skin," said dr. Tridia Sudirga, Sp.KK, dermatological and venerologis of Puan Jakarta Boutique Clinic. 

Serum Vitamin C 
Types of serum vitamin C is the most widely used. The content of the serum vitamin C varies from about 5 to 20 percent. To prevent premature aging, use of low serum vitamin C levels. But for the treatment, typically used high levels.Besides as an antioxidant, vitamin C serum is also useful to stimulate the skin's collagen formation, as the water holder (water storage), making the skin is not dry, and damp, and as wound healing (wounds). There are 2 serum vitamin C, which is L-ascorbic acid is soluble in water (water soluble) and palmitic ascorbil soluble in oil (oil soluble). 
The weakness of serum vitamin C is its highly volatile at room temperature. "Usually two or three times a user has changed is not effective anymore," said Tridia. Therefore, serum vitamin C is usually packaged in small brown bottles, that are not easily oxidized. Problem how to use, serum should be used once every day. 

Serum Vitamin E 
Vitamin E is fat soluble (fat soluble), and there are many institutions in the oil of wheat, grains, egg yolks, and beef liver. Broadly speaking, the benefits of vitamin E is moisturize the skin (moisturizing), as antioxidants and free radical removal. Therefore, the use of serum that is applied to the entire flat surface of the skin of the face, hands and neck every day, highly recommended. Serum vitamin E is also good for hair care. With serum-shaped, vitamin E not only protects the hair shaft, but also can penetrate the skin of the dermis. This is different from the shampoo, which only coat the scalp and hair shaft. Like most other vitamins, as hair nutrient, vitamin E is best used in the form of oral ingestion.

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