Style Clothing Men 2011

Clothing is a human need in life. It has become something essential to be there and available.  
But many men who rule this does not mean do not need clothes but do not follow fashion menswear that should be followed. There are several factors why men are not so concerned with fashion and style that is grounded, factors such as men do not follow fashion trends, fashion would not know, and do not care about fashion.

You no longer need to walk out in a very messy and unpleasant to view. so to help, we turned to the teacher is our own way, Stan Williams, fashion editor of Maxim magazine, for some tips on how to get your wardrobe in shape so you can begin to step out in style. 

Groom Yourself 

The first, it's time for a spiritual awakening. Before you even begin to think about revamping your wardrobe, you first have to perform some basic grooming. Yes, we know you bathe on a daily basis and wear (relatively) clean clothes, but the following items are notoriously (and wrongly) ignored by men. 

Think waxing and plucking is just for women? Not true. There are many men out there who suffer from the infamous unibrow - when two eyebrows appear as one because of a continuous bridge of hair. (For an example, look at this picture of a unibrow victim). If this sounds a little too familiar, then it's time for you to tame those babies. There are two ways to alleviate this problem:
  1. Go to a professional salon and have them wax and shape your eyebrows. It will cost around $10-$15. After you get your eyebrows initially waxed, you can maintain them at home by plucking the hairs as they grow back with a pair of tweezers. If you accidentally , who knows what kind of damage you may inflict?
  2. Wax them at home. This method is a little risky, and you will need a trusted friend to help you (and we do stress trusted). But at home waxing can be done. We recommend watching this at home waxing video for step-by-step instructions on how to wax your eyebrows yourself.
  3. Pluck 'em yourself. We don't advocate this method, but if you refuse to cough up the $10 or are afraid of salons, it's better than nothing. Just be sure to pluck the middle (that is, any hairs growing on your nose bridge).

Whatever you do, you must not-we repeat, must not  shave your eyebrows. Not only will the hair grow back faster and thicker, it will also be pretty obvious that you took a razor to 'em. Plucking is the only way to go.


People notice your hands-they are a part of how you express yourself when you are communicating, so you need to take care of them. So here's how to make your nails look nice:
  1. If you are a nail biter, stop immediately. There is nothing grosser than a pair of gnarled, ragged fingernails that have been chewed down to the knuckle.
  2. On the other hand (pun alert), long fingernails on men are equally disturbing. So it's important to keep them short enough so that you don't hurt people during handshakes.
  3. Get a professional manicure (more manly than you think!) or invest in a pair of fingernail clippers and a fingernail file and do it yourself at home. Pay attention to cuticles and hangnails.
  4. Toenails are also important. Whether the ladies are seeing your feet on the beach or in bed, nasty toenails are a complete turnoff. Keep them trimmed and keep them clean.


Basically, hair is easy: don't be afraid to get haircuts, and make sure you comb it before you leave your house. Most men don't get haircuts frequently enough, which contributes to an overall sloppy look. So after you get one, ask your cutter when you should come in next, and make an appointment. (Our recommendation is once every five weeks.) If you like the unkempt rock star look, keep the length to a minimum and make sure your hair isn't greasy. At the other extreme, the crew cut military look is no good (unless, of course, you are in the military).

For men who use styling products in their hair, they are often fall victim to SFS, or Shiny Forehead Syndrome. This is when the styling product you are using in your hair gets all over your forehead leaving a shiny film. The solution is simple. Wash your forehead after you are finished styling your hair. 


be careful when selecting and applying cologne. Here are our tips:
  1. You should never wear a brand of cologne that you can buy in a drugstore (translation: cheap cologne).
  2. Go to a department store and get a quality brand.
  3. Ask your sisters and chick friends to recommend one. They would know best.
  4. Don't rely on what smells good on a friend; different colognes smell different on different people. So test a small amount on your forearm, give it a minute to seep in, and then smell it.
  5. You shouldn't mix one brand of aftershave with another brand of cologne. You'll smell like a mess.
  6. The most common error: don't pour too much of it on. You don't want your scent to arrive in a room before you do. And neither do we.

Of the suggestions that have been provided above, now how good men who previously did not care about fashion immediately step on the gas to follow and wearing. Fashion is very important, because we will move forward and grow with confidence, because confidence is in the clothes we wear.